Sunday, 6 February 2022

Blue Circassian Coat - Lining

I ironed the linen, folded in half and drew the pattern.
This is the center front. The hemming is 1+3+1 cm wide, so I have to substract 3 cm and add one back for the seam allowance. Other seam allowances are always 1 cm.
I sewed the lining pieces together.
I sewed the lining and woolen bodies together at the front edge. I stopped in half the lower hem width.
This is the joining between the sewn on and left center front hemming pieces.
I tried to press the lining with my nails.
However, there were some places that would not be nice without iron and I found a few mistakes along the way...
This is what such a mistake looks from the right side...
... and this is the cause visible from the wrong side.
So some extra time needed for fixing the bugs :-)