I sewed five stripes together to form the same shape as the neckline is.
I pinned it on the dress right side to right side and sewed on a cm from the edge.
The band has vlieselin ironed on to support the neckline well.
I tried to change the direction exactly at the top's seams and you can see that I pressed the band's seam allowances to lay on the other side than the top's ones.
The petticoat finished for the moment.
I also tried to make a pattern for the upper dress from the scraps. Sis was excited :-)
I wasn't. It quite fitted. But after a few days I looked at the photo and found out it's very similar to the ones of cranach reconstruction I've seen a few so far. The unsuccessful ones in my eyes.
So I'm going to make another pattern and possibly widen the petticoat's neckline (but definitely not before I have a pattern for the coat:-) ).