Tuesday 20 May 2008

Another Petty

I haven't been making a petty for a long time, have I? :-P
This will be my friend's dress. The petticoat's pattern is the usual one.
A looong rectangle (twice her height to the shoulder by half her chest girth) and two pieces for sleeves - armhole by the distance between the shoulder and the wrist.
Today I only had time to make a neckline. Since my experience with velvet I've become a bit paranoiac. I didn't cut a supportive piece of fabric fitting the hole I'd have cut, but I pinned a vague rectangle instead.

I sewed along the drawn line. The supportive piece's now on the right side. I trimmed it a few cm from the oval. I tried to use my favourite machine stitch to overedge. If my camera were better, you might see that I had to give up and finish it by zig-zagging.

Hand sewing with love:-) I liked the "rice" stitch I used the last time and I decided to repeat it. The inner edge has to be cut only a few mm from the sewn line - I trimmed it just before turning the oval to the wrong side and fastening there so that it didn't have time to fray out. Paranioac, you know:-D