Monday 1 December 2008

Cookbook Cover

I have a favourite cook book of mine. In fact I'm just learning how to cook. It's an old ancient looking book with title We Cook in a Healthy, Tasty and Economical Way.
I like it so much I decided to make a cover for it as it's in a plastic one (ugh) that's already shredded.

The main character at this future cover is (hard to guess) a froggy. When I started I didn't have any suitable writer on hand. I basted the picture, that's why it's a bit odd:-) I'm not used to drawing by basting.
You can see how I was progressing at the Bayeaux stitch. Racaire made a wonderful handout if you wanted to know how to. I just didn't go back along the stitch I made, but I passed every second stitch. When I reached the end, I went back fulfilling those gaps. Then I made the anchor stitches as usual.

In fact the right reason to do this was probably me missing embroidery. Especially in the tambour. I have no embroidery project, everybody wants just sewing from me:'-(